ASHT Is Seeking Webinar Presenters
Are you interested in presenting a topic for an ASHT webinar?
Fulfill your continuing education (CE) requirements using ASHT’s mobile-friendly online learning resource created for hand therapists and allied-health clinicians involved in the care of the hand and upper extremity. Get advice on evidence-informed practice from industry leaders with educational webinars from ASHT.
Recorded Webinars
General Hand Therapy Knowledge
Webinar Title: The Complex Retinacular System of the Hand and Its Influence on Digital Motion
Shrikant J. Chinchalkar, M.Th.O, B Sc.OT, OTR, CHT
Webinar Description:
The retinacular system of the hand is a…
Webinar Title: Hand Table to the Playing Field: Advanced Rehabilitation Skills to Safely Return Athletes to Play
Mike Mueller, MS, OTR, CHT
Webinar Description:
This webinar will focus on the skills that are…
Webinar Title: Negative Pressure Manual Therapy and Mechanical Vibration for Edema Management
Louisa Boyd, OTR/L, CLT-LANA
Webinar Description:
This webinar will discuss the modality intervention of negative…
Webinar Title: Musicians in Pain: Wholly Holistic
Nicola Goldsmith, MSc SROT (UK)
Webinar Description:
This webinar will explore the holistic role of the hand therapist working with professional musicians. It…
Webinar Title: Brachial Plexus Irritation Associated with Scapular Pathomechanics and Instability
Mike Cricchio, MBA, OT/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
A one-hour dive into the importance of considering the…
Caitlin McGee, PT, DPT, MS
Webinar Description:
This course is designed for individuals interested in learning about the rapidly-growing Esports and video gaming industries, as well as the roles available to health and performance…
Presenter: John Lugo, PT, DPT, ECS
Thorough and comprehensive examinations and evaluations are important factors in the assessment of patients with hand and upper extremity dysfunction. A quality assessment will enable the managing clinician to choose the best treatment…
Charles Daly, MD; Michael Gottschalk, MD; Eric Wagner, MD
Webinar Description:
This webinar will provide an update on five of the most common upper extremity procedures performed by hand surgeons in the U.S. In addition, the webinar…
Aviva Wolff, EdD, OTR, CHT
Webinar Description:
Participants will be instructed how to develop a customized program that is based on scientific principles and current evidence of injury prevention and management. This course will…
Webinar description:
The course will review the basics on how X-rays are generated and how this affects the picture we are seeing. The webinar will examine various X-ray views for the hand and wrist and what each view shows. Normal alignment will be discussed and progress…
Webinar Description:
This webinar will explore use of the RAPAEL Smart Glove and Smart Board for both neurologic and neuromuscular applications. The participants will learn about applications of virtual reality, artificial intelligence and gamification for hand and arm…
Webinar description:
In this webinar, the speakers will discuss the latest treatment algorithms for scleroderma conditions in the hand. This will include discussion of calcinosis, PIP joint contractures and MCP joint contractures. The majority of the webinar with focus on…
Webinar description:
A certified ergonomic assessment specialist will describe the most effective way to set up an office space to reduce upper extremity pain. Information will include appropriate positioning, how to organize a work space and the pros and cons of…
Presenters: Stacye Mayo, MOT, OT/L, CLT-LANA and Christy Thornton, OTR/L, CHT, CLT
Format: One-hour presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This webinar will explore complications that are often found in the…
Presenters: Nora Barrett, MS, OTR/L, CHT, WCC
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This webinar will cover the therapist’s management of the hand burn from acute injury through scar…
Presenters: Sunniva Zaratkiewicz, PhC, BSN, RN, CWCN
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A.
Course Description:
This presentation will cover wound care concepts as they relate to hand therapists.
Ann Porretto-Loehrke, PT, DPT, CHT, COMT, CMTPT
Webinar Description:
The age-old question that has haunted therapists for decades - What do you do with a stiff elbow? The elbow joint consists of three joints: the humeroulnar joint,…
James Wagner, OTD, OTR/L, CHT, CPAM, CSCS
Webinar Description:
Tennis elbow is one of the most common overuse syndromes referred to clinicians. Lateral elbow pain as a symptom many times is vague and confounding to address.…
Anatomy Review
Purchasers earn 2.5 CE hours for completing Anatomy B Webinar Package.
Brachial Plexus Innervation of the Upper Extremity
Presented by: Lorna Kahn, PT, CHT; and Tambra Marik, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
Course Description:
Review of the anatomy of…
Purchasers earn 2.5 CE hours for completing Anatomy A webinar Package.
Anatomy and Kinesiology of the Hand
Presented by: Jane Fedorczyk, PT, PhD, CHT; and Kristin Valdes, OTD, OTR, CHT
Course Description:
A working knowledge of the…
Mike Cricchio, MBA, OT/L, CHT
Format: 75 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This webinar will examine and detail the anatomy of the intrinsics of the hand, as they relate to one another, the hand…
Hand/Digit Injuries
Webinar Title: Thumb CMC OA: A 2025 Update on the Science and Best Practices
Corey W. McGee, PhD, MS, OTR/L, CHT and Molly M Hudson, OTR, CHT, COMT (UE)
Webinar Description:
In this webinar, attendees will…
Gary Solomon, MBA, MS, OTR/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
Digital injuries can result in significant functional loss due to residual motion limitations. This course will address interventions throughout healing stages with an emphasis…
Susan Blackmore, MS, OTR/L, CHT, COMT UL and Chemaine Crane, DPT, MOTR/L, CHT, COMT UE
Webinar Description:
Peer-reviewed and published treatment guidelines with clinical outcomes are available for management of the patient with an…
Sam Biafora, MD and Gary Solomon, MBA, MS, OTR/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
Combined hand surgeon and therapist presentation will examine conservative and operative management of phalangeal fractures as well as orthoses selection…
Presenters: Jeanine Beasley, EdD, OTR, CHT, FAOTA
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
The purpose of this webinar is to provide an update in regards to the postoperative therapeutic…
Presenters: Susan Blackmore, OTR, CHT and Eileen Kane, PT, CHT
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This webinar will provide the participants with an introduction to tests that differentiate…
Presenter(s): Gary Solomon, MBA, MS, OTR/L, CHT
Format: 45-50 minutes presentation. 10-15 minutes Q&A
Course Description:
Presentation will discuss the biological processes of hand contracture/digital stiffness and will…
Flexor Tendon
Rebecca Neiduski, PhD, OTR/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
Flexor tendon rehabilitation has changed significantly over the past 78 years: from “no man’s land” to true active flexion, from protected positioning to wrist extension. This…
Presenters: Don Lalonde, MD, FRCSC and Amanda Higgins, BSc. OT, OT Reg (NB)
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
More and more surgeons are using wide awake flexor tendon repair. Video…
Traumatic Hand Injuries
Webinar description:
Occupation-based assessments and interventions are of vital importance when treating the individual who has sustained a digital amputation. This webinar addresses not only a biomechanical approach to the rehabilitation of these individuals but also the…
Webinar Description:
The webinar will describe the 12 essential hand functions related to traumatic injuries to the hand. This information is essential for traumatic injuries leading to significant stiffness or amputation. It will also discuss pre-prosthetic training…
Presenter: Kimberly McVeigh, MBA, OTR/L, CHT
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This webinar will describe current approaches to rehabilitating complex injuries to the upper extremity…
Location: Webinar
Presenter: Gary Solomon, MBA, MS, OTR/L, CHT
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This webinar will examine prioritization of rehabilitation after complex upper…
Webinar Title: Pickleball and Clinical Practice for the Upper Extremity
Presenter: Lucy Stone, OTS
Webinar Description:
The sport of pickleball is currently increasing in popularity; therefore, there is rising demand related…
Webinar Title: Wrist Instability Patterns in Hypermobile Patients: An Evidence-based Rehabilitation Approach
Jamie Bergner, OTD, OTR/L, CHT, COMT
Webinar Description:
Clients with hypermobility often…
Joshua Abzug, MD & Heather Weesner, OTR/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
Gymnasts have a unique skill set allowing them to utilize their upper extremity to produce both power and gracefulness. The significant loads produced through…
Zak Mahmood, MD and Kailey Bedford, MOT, OTR/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
This webinar will provide an overview of the anatomy and kinematics of the ulnar side of the wrist. A discussion of ulnar-sided wrist pain pathology and the…
Shrikant Chinchalkar, M.Th.O, B.Sc.OT, OTR, CHT
Webinar Description:
The wrist and digits share an intricate relationship with each other. The position of the wrist influences functioning of the digital flexors, extensors and…
Webinar description:
This webinar reviews the current evidence on kinematics of wrist motion, prerequisites for stability of the wrist and the role of muscles in dynamic stability. In addition, a treatment approach including proprioception techniques for scapholunate…
Presenter: Michael Staino, OT, CHT
Format: 45-50 minutes presentation. 10-15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This presentation highlights common wrist injuries that occur in the athletic population that range from the young athlete to the professional.…
Webinar Title: Managing the Frozen Shoulder
Presenter: Ann Porretto-Loehrke, PT, DPT, CHT, COMT, CMTPT
Webinar Description:
Frozen shoulder is a condition we commonly see in the clinic. Discover key information improve your…
Webinar Title: Isometrics in Rehabilitation and Sports Performance Training: Practical Applications for the Upper Extremity Rehab Professional
Webinar Description:
Ashim Bakshi, MHS, OTR, CHT
Webinar Description:
This webinar will provide an insight into the indications and relevant biomechanics of anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA). While…
Kevin Wilk, PT, DPT, FAPTA
Webinar Description:
This evidence-based course is designed to present to the clinician the most recent and state-of-the-art information in the treatment of patients with rotator cuff lesions. This course…
Ashley Beers Haapapuro, PT, DPT and Jonny Diercks, MS, ATC
Webinar Description:
This webinar course will instruct participants on rehabilitation concerns for the overhead thrower. It will consider anatomy, biomechanics, evaluation…
Presenter: Mike Cricchio, MBA, OT/L, CHT
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This presentation will review current literature relating to scapulothoracic and glenohumeral conditioning…
Tambra Marik, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
The incidence of rotator cuff tears is estimated to affect up to 32% of the population and is estimated…
Pain/Neurological Conditions
Shrikant Chinchalkar, M.Th.O, B.Sc.OT, OTR, CHT
Webinar Description:
This webinar will discuss causes, symptoms and treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) based on pathophysiology and neurophysiology. Participants will…
Webinar description:
This webinar will review the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system in the upper extremity and review indications and precautions for neural mobilization. Based on the premise that irritated and injured neural tissue responds early to pressure…
Webinar description:
The webinar will focus on current state-of-the-art motor control concepts as they relate to upper extremity rehabilitation. The lecture will focus on the practical application of motor control essential in the restoration of quality of life. The…
Presenter: Stephanie Kannas, OTD, OTR/L, CHT, CLT-LANA
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This webinar will focus on establishing treatment plans and updating treatment plans for adult…
Presenters: Susan Stralka, PT, MS, DPT
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
Graded motor imagery (GMI) and mirror therapy integrate established principles of neuromuscular reeducation…
Presented by: Lori Algar, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
The sensorimotor system plays an important role in joint position sense, perception of force, and coordination in…
Presenter(s): Nancy Byl, MPH, PhD, PT, FAPTA
Format: 50-60 minutes presentation. 10 minutes Q&A
Course Description:
This seminar will define focal hand dystonia, outline the prevalence and incidence, summarize the etiology…
Presenter(s): Ann Porretto-Loehrke, PT, DPT, CHT, COMT
Format: 45-50 minutes presentation. 10-15 minutes Q&A
Course Description:
What do I do with patients that hurt all over? Why can’t they pin-point their symptoms? Why do…
Presenter: Paul Bonzani, MHS, OTR/L, CHT
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar Description:
Pain is a normal neurophysiological response that serves humans as a protective system to guard against harm.…
Treatment Techniques
Mary Barnes, MOT, CHT, CIDN and Christina Woods, MOT, CHT
Webinar Description:
This webinar is the second part of a presentation on the use of dry needling in hand therapy. The webinar will cover the effects of dry needling on…
Mary Barnes, MOT, CHT, CIDN and Christina Woods, MOT, CHT
Webinar Description:
This webinar will cover advocacy and include a guide to each state's laws, rules and guidance on occupational and physical therapists’ use of dry…
Glenn Gaston, MD
Webinar Description:
How can we maximize function in individuals with amputations? This webinar will describe Targeted Muscle Reinnervation and current reconstructive options for the amputee population. Various case…
Anisa Kong, OTD, OTR/L, CHT, CNDT
Webinar Description:
Pain is a complicated phenomenon affecting many people in various ways and resulting in negative alterations in quality of life. A small percentage of hand injuries can turn…
The program consists of a 30-minute review of the proposed mechanisms of actions by which manual therapy application and exercise affect joint mobility and restoration of motor control. It includes how manual therapy and exercise influence joint mobility (…
Presenter: Ryan Kendrick, BPhty, MPhtySt (MSK)
Format: 1 hour 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This webinar will describe the biomechanical taping techniques for movement control.
Presenters: Tambra Marik, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
Therapeutic taping is commonly utilized for upper extremity musculoskeletal pathology. Theoretical concepts…
Tambra Marik, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
Chadrisse Knight, OTR/L, MSOT, CHT, CLT
Susanne Higgins, MHS, OTR, CHT
Nora Barrett, MS, OTR/L, CHT, WCC
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Heather Dailey, MOT, OTR/L
Janine Greenwood, OTR/L
Tim Skerrett, MS, OTR/L
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
Get the stiff forearm, wrist and hand moving. This webinar will…
Jill Peck-Murray, MOT, OTR, CHT and Yvonne Morris, OTR/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
Pediatric flexor tendon injuries are similar to those seen in adults with a few exceptions. The post-operative treatment approach with pediatric…
Webinar description:
This webinar will focus on management of trigger finger and trigger thumb in the pediatric patient. We will examine the differences between pediatric and adult trigger digits, differential diagnoses and treatment options. Conservative therapy with…
Presenters: Valeri Calhoun, MS, OTR, CHT
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This webinar will address the unique aspects of providing hand therapy services to the pediatric population.…
Clinical Practice
Webinar Title: 2025 Medicare and Practice-Related Updates for Hand and Upper Extremity Specialists
Sara Brito, PhD, MOT, MEd, Bsc, CHT
Angela Stephens, DHS, OTR/L, CHT; Ann Marie Feretti, EdD, OTR…
Webinar Title: 2024 Medicare and Practice-Related Updates for Hand and Upper Extremity Specialists
Ann Marie Feretti, EdD, OTR/L, CHT & Angela Stephens, DHS, OTR/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
This webinar…
Danielle Sparks, DHS, MOT, OTR, CHT & Angela Stephens, DHS, OTR/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
The 2023 Medicare Updates for Hand and Upper Extremity Specialists webinar will provide information to affect the delivery of hand and…
Angela Stephens, DHS, OTR/L, CHT & Danielle Sparks, DHS, MOT, OTR, CHT
Webinar Description:
The 2022 Medicare Updates for Hand and Upper Extremity Specialists webinar will provide information to affect the delivery of hand and…
Nora Barrett, MS, OTR/L, CHT, WCC; Emily Skoza Brackenridge, MS, OTR/L, CHT; Gary Solomon, MBA, MS, OTR/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
This panel discussion features three certified hand therapists discussing their experiences with…
Tim Casey, BA
Webinar Description:
In this webinar, we will examine policy discussions happening in Washington, D.C. that could have significant impact on your profession. We will look at the critical role advocacy plays in shaping…
Webinar Description:
In the 115th Congress, ASHT played a key role in repealing the Therapy Cap, beat back harmful policy proposals on orthotics and prosthetics and helped shape legislation to stem the opioid crisis. In this webinar, we will look back at the important…
Webinar description:
Nonadherence is a challenging multifactorial phenomenon with both clinical and business implications. This presentation will address the problem of nonadherence in upper extremity rehabilitation and advocate the need for a behavioral approach to the…
Presenter: Marty Walsh, OTR/L, CHT
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This webinar will describe detailed statistics regarding the Hand Therapy Certification Examination, examination…
Presenter: Nancy Houghton, MS, OTR/L, CHT; Joseph Gwiazda, OTR/L, CHT, CPAM; Phylllis Ross, OTD, OTR/L, CHT, CLT
Format: 1 hour 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This two-hour presentation will provide an introduction to what…
Webinar Title: Reviewing Studies for the Journal of Hand Therapy: A Guide to Becoming a Part of the Process
Joy MacDermid, BSc, BScPT, MSc, PhD, FCAHS, FRSC
Webinar Description:
This webinar will…
Sarah Doerrer, PhD, OTR/L, CHT, CLT and Jenny Dorich, PhD, MBA, OTR/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
Over the past few years, the Journal of Hand Therapy has published an increased number of qualitative studies. This webinar is designed…
Kristin Valdes, OTD, OTR, CHT
Webinar Description:
The webinar covers principles of survey design. The course examines research that uses both observational and experimental methods to test key hypotheses about the nature of human…
Victoria Priganc, PhD, OTR, CHT, CLT and Jacqueline Walter, PhD, OTR/L, CHT, CEAS II
Webinar Description:
In today’s busy clinic environment, it is often challenging for clinicians to find the time to thoroughly critique, analyze…
Victoria Priganc, PhD, OTR, CHT, CLT and Jacqueline Reese Walter, PhD, OTR/L, CHT, CEAS II
Webinar Description:
The purpose of this webinar is to introduce the concepts of single-subject design research and how it can be used to (1…
Webinar description:
This introductory webinar will introduce participants to the basic elements of the scientific and clinical research process. Topics covered will include an overview of levels of evidence in rehabilitation research and the types of studies conducted in…
Presenters: Joy MacDermid, PT, PhD
Format: 45 minutes presentation. 15 minutes Q&A
Webinar description:
This webinar reviews the process and key elements needed to be successful in publishing in the Journal of Hand…
Webinar Title: How to Elevate Hand Therapy with Gaming: Higher Patient Engagement for Better Outcomes
Presenter: Jonathan Cooper, VRT, CEAS
Webinar Description:
Capri is an advanced therapeutic device for rehabilitating…
Bryan Carlson, MBA, MS, OTR/L, CHT and Lukas-Karim Merhi
Webinar Description:
Join Tenzr Health to hear Lukas-Karim Merhi, CEO of Tenzr Health, and Bryan Carlson, OTR/L, CHT, Hand Therapy Program Coordinator for Swedish Hospital.…
Johanna Jacobson-Petrov, MHS, OTR, CHT
Webinar Description:
GripAble is a digital rehabilitation platform for the assessment and gamified training of the upper extremity. It provides patients with personalized engaging activities to…
Haley Van Escobar, MOTR/L, CHT
Webinar Description:
Hand therapists provide critical, timely care to patients with traumatic partial-hand limb loss. During the early healing stages, preparing the hand for function in life can…
Aislinn Wyatt, CPO
Webinar Description:
Hand therapists are fundamental in the rehabilitation process of persons who have experienced partial hand amputations. As such, it is important that they are familiar with the latest…
Webinar Description:
Amid fluid industry trends, alignment between clinicians and medical device companies as consultative partners in health is growing in relevance. Due to contemporary market challenges, the use of adjunctive rehabilitation products to optimize patient…
This one-hour webinar highlights the evolution of innovative clinical design and modern production of pre-fabricated orthoses. The webinar discusses the developments of specific new products to solve the hand therapist’s need for billable, quality products …