Webinar Presenter Application

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the ASHT webinar series. We are looking for original presentations with evidence-based referencing that will provide additional educational opportunities for our members.

The Education Division will review your application and supporting materials. Accepted webinars may require revisions to ensure the highest quality educational offerings for our attendees. The Education Division must approve all final presentation materials.

Please be advised that all ASHT webinars are recorded for future sale in the ASHT store. A signed speaker agreement will be required for all accepted webinars.

Please complete this online application in its entirety, including the below-referenced components:

** We regret we cannot consider incomplete applications. **

  • Online application
  • Draft of your presentation in either PDF or power PowerPoint format
    • Must include references on slides or as separate document.
  • Speaker CV
  • Speaker Bio (a brief bio of 1-3 paragraphs is fine)
  • Speaker headshot (for webinar promotions and web page)
  • Quiz (for attendee CE credit) – 5 multiple-choice questions (optional but preferred with initial submission – will be required for all accepted applications)

Final Presentation guidelines:

** Final presentation must be in power point format. This file will not be shared with anyone outside of the webinar project team. **

  • Presentations/slide decks must be on the ASHT PowerPoint template.
    • The template can be downloaded from the website.
    • If you have existing slides, assistance can be provided with transferring your content to our template if your webinar is accepted.
  • Presentation references must include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles published within 5 years.
    • References can be included as a final slide or as a separate handout for attendees.
    • Citations should be included on applicable individual slides to support content.
  • No logos or workplace references can be included on slides, with the exception of a title slide and final slide with bio or contact information.
  • All photos from sources such as websites, articles, or books should be attributed on each slide.
    • Personal or royalty-free photos do not need to be attributed.
    • Consider including a statement on your final slide, such as “All photos not otherwise attributed are royalty-free images, the property of the presenter, and/or used with permission.”

Please refer to the FAQs document available on the website for additional information.