Divisions & Committees

Education Division

The Education Division develops, implements and coordinates ASHT's education activities. This includes initiatives identified in ASHT's strategic plan, developing new educational products and courses and revising existing educational products and offerings. Projects that currently fall under the Education Division include webinars, Hand Therapy Review Course, workshops and regional courses, podcast, student offerings and mentoring program.

Education Division Director: Stephanie Strouse, OTD, OTR/L, CHT 
Education Division members

Outreach Division

The Outreach Division develops, implements and coordinates ASHT non-CEU educational offerings for hand and upper extremity rehabilitation professionals. This includes developing new product offerings to engage members and non-members, establishing student-member outreach opportunities and providing mentorship and growth opportunities for members who are desiring to pursue certification. Projects that fall under the Outreach Division are student offerings, patient education, mentoring, ASHT Times, e-Community, social media/promotions, the Hands in Motion podcast, etc.

Outreach Division Director: Gayle K. Severance, MS, OT/L, CHT
Outreach Division members

Practice Division

The Practice Division implements initiatives identified in the annual strategic plan; monitors industry, legal and regulatory trends; and provides up-to-date information to members.

Practice Division Director: Ann Marie Feretti, EdD, OTR/L, CHT
Practice Division members

Research Division

The Research Division identifies, implements and coordinates ASHT's research activities as defined in the strategic plan. Projects that currently fall under the Research Division include building a research community for ASHT members, Journal Club chat, reviewing and grading abstracts submitted for ASHT Annual meeting, vetting requests for research surveys to be distributed to ASHT members, promoting submissions to the Journal of Hand Therapy and mentoring prospective researchers.

Research Division Director: Lori Algar, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
Research Division members

Annual Meeting Committee

The Annual Meeting Committee is responsible for planning and implementing all aspects of the Annual Meeting program, including session planning, scheduling and coordination of topics, speakers and planned activities.

2025 Annual Meeting Chair: Cara Smith, PT, DPT, CHT
Annual Meeting Committee members

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee is responsible for selecting award recipients according to established criteria for the following: Nathalie Barr Lectureship Award, Paul Brand Humanitarian Award, Honorary Membership Award, Lifetime Fellowship Award and Joy MacDermid Lifetime Scientific Achievement Award. Upon completion, the committee will note any proposed process changes and submit to the Board of Directors.

Awards Committee Chair: Sharon Montgomery, OTD, OTR/L, CHT, CEAS
Awards Committee members

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is charged with cultivating a DEI strategic action plan that will launch ASHT on its journey to ensure our professional community is supported, equitable and inclusive. The initial focus of the DEI Committee will be to explore existing ASHT governance policies and practices, collaborate and communicate with existing ASHT committees and divisions and conduct outreach to a cross section of our members and stakeholders.

DEI Committee Chair: Cecilia Fierro, OTD, OTR
DEI Committee members

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee develops and recommends to the board financial policies, plans and courses of action that accomplish ASHT's mission and contribute to the organization's financial well being. The committee reviews the annual budget and oversees issues related to financial policies, cash management, investments, risk management, financial monitoring, reporting, etc.

Finance Committee Chair: Kim McVeigh, MBA, OTR/L, CHT (Secretary/Treasurer)
Finance Committee members

International Committee

The International Committee responds to member questions, moderates the international e-Community discussion group and conveys salient information. The committee also liaises with International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy (IFSHT).

International Committee Chair: Lauren DeTullio, OTR/L, CHT
International Committee members

Leadership Development Committee

The Leadership Development Committee facilitates opportunities for ASHT members to grow leadership skills that can help them potentially transition into leadership opportunities both within the society and within the hand and upper extremity therapy community as a whole.

Leadership Development Committee Chair: Juliet Steffe, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
Leadership Development Committee members

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee is responsible for reviewing applications for vacant board positions and recommending the final slate. Upon completion, the committee will note any proposed process changes and submit to the Board of Directors.

Nominations Committee Chair: Aviva Wolff, EdD, OTR, CHT (Immediate Past President)
Nominations Committee members

Interested in participating on a division, committee or ASHT project? Please review our current volunteer opportunities.