Research Community

The ASHT Research Division is hosting their first Research Community meeting. Any hand and upper extremity therapy researcher (ALL experience levels) is invited to drop into or attend in entirety the Zoom call to ask hand therapy research questions, make or ask for a research suggestion, inform the attendees about your research interests or needs, offer or request mentorship or hear what is happening in current hand and upper extremity therapy research. We look forward to chatting about research with you!

You are invited to join our research community discussion on February 18 at 8 p.m. ET.

This meeting's hosts are Katie Loomis MA, OTR/L, CHT (PhD candidate and Research Division Member) and Lori Algar OTD, OTR/L, CHT (ASHT Research Division Director).

February 18 | 8 p.m. ET

Passcode: 191182 | Meeting ID: 490 103 3906

Join the Call

If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please contact