International Reverse Therapy Fellowship
The American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS) in partnership with the American Society of Hand Therapists (ASHT) established the International Reverse Therapy Fellowship in 2019. The program sponsors an international hand therapist's visits with AAHS and ASHT member therapists at their institutions with the aim to provide expert education so that the Fellow may return home to improve therapy education and patient care in their country.
The selected International Reverse Therapy Fellow will receive $10,000 USD from AAHS to be used toward a four-week visit to North America to travel to the 2023 ASHT Annual Meeting and the institutions of and train with two AAHS and ASHT member therapists. The four-week period will allow for travel and one week at each host institution. Fellowship funding will also cover attendance at the AAHS Annual Meeting in January 2024 so that the Fellow can provide a summary of their experience, and how it has changed education and care in their practice.
Fellowship Eligibility
- Applicants must be therapists and have a minimum of three years clinical practice experience.
- Applicants must have completed their therapist training and be early in their hand and upper extremity therapy career.
- Ideal applicants have opportunities to teach other therapists and/or students.
- Applicants must be from a developing nation.
- Applicants must have the ability to communicate in English.
APPLY NOW (download the application)
Completed applications should be forwarded to no later than November 1, 2022.
Conditions of Fellowship
- The recipient will visit two AAHS/ASHT therapist member institutions over a four-week period between October and November.
- The recipient must submit a complete itinerary prior to travel to receive funds. Funds will be disbursed incrementally to the recipient.
- AAHS is required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to document disbursement of funds, as well as to maintain annual reports on the funded programs. For reimbursement, the recipient must provide a summary of expenses including original receipts.
- The recipient may be able to use any leftover funds to travel to the AAHS Annual Meeting the following year to present a summary of their experience.
- The recipient will be asked to document their experience with HIPAA appropriate photos and videos which may be used by the AAHS and ASHT for promotion of the International Reverse Therapy Fellowship program.
- Following the completion of the Fellowship, the recipient will be asked to provide a video summary of their experience which may be used by the AAHS and ASHT for promotion of the International Reverse Therapy Fellowship program. The video should not include patient photos or videos.
- The recipient will also provide a written report one year from the conclusion of the Fellowship on how the experience has affected their practice and local care.
- The Fellowship recipient may be asked to complete a confidentiality form, consent form and/or submit medical records to host institutions based on host institution policy.
Host Institutions
Hospital for Special Surgery
Philadelphia Hand to Shoulder Center
August 1, 2022 : International Reverse Therapy Fellowship application cycle opens
November 1, 2022: International Reverse Therapy Fellowship application cycle closes
November/December 2022: Video interviews conducted among Fellowship finalists
January 1, 2023: Applicants and Fellowship recipient notified
September/October 2023: International Reverse Therapy Fellowship applicant to travel to ASHT Annual Meeting and host facilities
January 2024: International Reverse Therapy Fellowship to travel to AAHS Annual Meeting and provide a summary of experience (if possible)