October 2024 Pediatric Case Reviews: Treadmill Burns…It’s Deeper Than You Think

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Session Title:  2024 October Pediatric Case Reviews: Treadmill Burns…It’s Deeper Than You Think   

Presenter:  Mary "Peggy" Fausset, MOTR/L, CHT

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the presentation, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe three considerations for treatment based on the evaluation of a treadmill burn
  2. Describe treatment techniques to aid in healing of treadmill burns
  3. Identify three ways to prevent treadmill burns
  4. Recognize functional limitations that can occur following treadmill burns
  5. Identify ways to encourage functional use following treadmill burns

Duration:   One hour

CE Credit:  1.0 continuing education hour, or 0.10 CEUs