Greetings ASHT colleagues and friends,
I have been so eager to share this with all of you!
This is an exciting time for our community of upper extremity specialists when we are preparing for our Annual Meeting. This year’s theme is “Connecting Forward, Embracing Change.” With that spirit, we will meet October 13-16, 2022 to experience the unique magic we feel when we are together to strengthen our relationships, our clinical practice and our hope for the future of our professions. ASHT is proud to offer one meeting with two experiences. This year’s Hybrid Annual Meeting will host in-person attendees along with a virtual component for our remote audiences where the educational experience caters to you.
The best of ASHT will be highlighted by educational sessions, research posters, advocacy and practice updates, volunteer celebrations and opportunities to thank the vendors who support us. Every year, it amazes me to see how ASHT attracts members with diverse skills and depth of understanding. Educational sessions will include clinical challenges we see daily with new insights for treating thumb CMC pathology, tendon injury and upper extremity trauma. We will celebrate our colleagues who are improving accessibility to hand and upper extremity therapy by expanding our reach into new populations.
Our location in Washington, DC has an air of leadership and legislative action. You will have opportunities to learn more about how ASHT stewards the future of hand and upper extremity therapy. We will share how the ASHT board, divisions and committees combine to serve the membership. Please come and bring your willingness to engage with your colleagues, learn and grow by “Connecting Forward, Embracing Change.”
On behalf of the 2022 Annual Meeting Committee, we are so excited to see you there!
Am I able to still sign up for the virtual lectures from the ASHT 2022 Conference? If I am able to sign up and watch the lectures and get credit, I would love to do that. Please advise.
Deborah Paul OTR/L, CHT