Posted by Jerry Coverdale on October 20, 2012

As I end my term as your Immediate Past President I consider my journey with awe.  It has certainly been a life-transforming journey for me and I hope that in some small way I have touched your professional life.  I truly believe that the role of a leader is to empower those that he/she leads. …

Posted by Dorit Aaron on October 09, 2012

Dorit, please tell us how you came to choose Dr Steve Viegas as the 2012 Presidential Invited Speaker: I first met Dr Viegas years ago when he was the chief of Hand Surgery in the Orthopedic department of UTMB in Galveston. We saw patients together and I had the distinct pleasure of treating his…

Posted by Rebecca von der Heyde, PhD, OTR/L, CHT (Research Division Director) on September 30, 2012

A research blog?!?! While you might be tempted to click on one of the other, more practical blog posts, I’m hoping you’ll keep reading because I have some helpful resources to share with you! As Research Division Director, I’ve considered ways to provide examples of research and evidence-based…

Posted by Dorit Aaron on September 03, 2012

Earlier this year while visiting family in Kansas City, I had the opportunity to go horseback riding. I zealously donned my old pair of blue jeans and a black shirt I had hastily packed the day before, assuming the dark tint would mask the vast amount of visible Kansas City terrain the ride would…

Posted by Dorit Aaron & Sue Michlovitz on August 08, 2012

Some ASHT members tell us that they dropped their AOTA/APTA membership (or never joined) because they were “ASHT members and that provided them what they needed for their practice”.  We are thrilled to know that ASHT is meeting these basic needs, BUT we must differentiate the value of a specialty…