Posted by Rebecca Neiduski, PhD, OTR/L, CHT on December 06, 2015

It’s that time of year again -- time to start planning the ASHT 2016 Annual Meeting! Our theme for 2016 is “Leading the Way,” and the meeting will take place September 15-18, 2016 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C.  Pre-Conference Institutes are scheduled to begin Thursday…

Posted by Rachel Pigott, OTR/L, CHT on November 23, 2015

In 2016, ASHT’s Education Division will be putting forward a variety of exciting evidence-based offerings. We have large and small regional courses, as well as our very convenient online webinars. The large regional course the division facilitates is the Hand Therapy Review Course. This is in a…

Posted by Barbara Winthrop, OTR, MA, CVE, CHT, FAOTA on November 15, 2015

As the holiday season draws near, it’s natural to think of those less fortunate than ourselves who may need help braving the cold.  Thank you to those of you who gifted gloves and mittens to the ASHT Share the Gloves program at this year’s 38th Annual Meeting in Denver! Share the Gloves is an…

Posted by Board Members-at-Large on November 09, 2015

ASHT’s vision is to be the recognized leader in advancing the science and practice of hand therapy. Its mission is to build and support the community for professionals dedicated to the excellence of hand therapy. As loyal members, we can strongly attest to the value that ASHT provides to its…

Posted by Marsha Lawrence, PT, CHT on November 01, 2015

While the media was focused on the 2016 presidential race and the Benghazi hearings – not to mention the World Series (GO ROYALS!) – ASHT Legislation and Reimbursement Division members were tracking federal legislation that could impact hand therapy practice or reimbursement if passed by the end of…