Valeri Calhoun, MS, OTR, CHT

Valeri is an occupational therapist and certified hand therapist with over 33 years of experience in a variety of settings. For the last 10 years, Valeri has focused solely on the pediatric hand population.

Valeri received a BS in OT from Indiana University and an MS in Community Health from The University of Kansas. She has been a Certified hand Therapist since 1994. She recently joined St. Louis Children’s Hospital to develop and implement a new pediatric hand therapy program. 

In addition to working in clinical settings, Valeri’s experience includes over 15 years teaching at the graduate level for occupational therapy programs in the Midwest. She has provided professional presentations and lectures both nationally and internationally for therapists on a variety of therapy topics. She participated for six years as faculty of the CHT Test Prep Course for ASHT. 

Valeri is involved in a pediatric hand surgeon and therapist special interest group and is also involved in research regarding pediatric orthopedic care. She was instrumental in the development and execution of Hand Camp, a camp for children with upper limb differences, for eight years. Her special interest areas of practice include the pediatric hand patient, children with arthrogryposis and congenital hand differences.