Zach Sutton, PT, DPT, MS, MBA, ATC, CHT is co-owner of McMinnville Physical Therapy, PLLC. Zach’s current practice focuses on sports medicine with an emphasis on the upper extremity in an outpatient practice in McMinnville, TN. Zach is adjunct faculty at South College’s Doctor of Physical Therapy Program and contributed to the chapter on the hand in Hertling and Kessler’s 5th edition of Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders. At the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hand Therapists, Zach presented on Current Concepts with Lateral Epicondylalgia. Most recently, at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Tennessee Chapter this Spring, Zach presented “Merging Minds - Clinical Mastery Meets AI Advancements.”
Sponsored by Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center
This episode of Hands in Motion is sponsored by the Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center, a private hand surgery and hand therapy practice recognized across the world for its specialization in problems and injuries of the upper extremity. Our highly-skilled, hand therapists take a multidisciplinary team approach to treatment. They have extensive training and the expertise to design individualized therapy plans that help our patients reduce the risk of re-injury and restore function in the shortest period of time possible, in a cost-effective manner.
The Diagnosis and Treatment Manual for Physicians & Therapists is now in its fifth edition. The manual serves as a resource for physicians, therapists, physician assistants and nurses, and other healthcare professionals managing patients with hand and upper extremity medical conditions or injuries. There are now four volumes and availability for both hard copy and electronic versions. For more information on purchasing this manual, please visit: www.diagnosisandtreatmentmanual.com
On this episode, we are joined by Zack Sutton, a physical therapist and Certified Hand Therapist who is utilizing artificial intelligence in his clinical practice to increase efficiencies. He shares with us a variety of ways to implement AI in hand therapy and the various benefits of using AI in clinical practice.