Sarah Tuberty, OTD, OTR/L, has the lived experience of a congenital hand difference, meaning she was born without fingers on her left hand and was a patient of the Shriners Hospital for Children – Northern California. Her life has been a journey of adaptation and understanding of the disability experience. She earned her Doctorate of Occupational Therapy from Boston University. Partnering with her hand surgeon, Michelle James, MD, Sarah developed the Congenital Hand Differences Resource website, which is an online resource for parents of children with hand differences. Sarah sought to continue to make accessible resources for parents and partnered with co-author, Nina Lightdale-Miric, MD to write The Hand Book: An Informational Guide for Parents of Children with Hand Differences. This book is recently published by ASSH and funded by AFSH.
Sarah’s particular interests surround the social and emotional aspects of growing up with physical differences. Her work includes co-founding and co-hosting Disarming Disability, a podcast on deconstructing the social construct on disability and an author of Super-Abled Comics, featuring six short stories of superheroes with limb differences written by authors who have limb differences. She is ecstatic to level up her work, and has just completed her first year in an OT PhD program at Texas Woman's University.
Sarah works to provide consulting services on disability related topics, modeling, and has presented at multiple events on topics around inclusion, disability stigma, and lived experience with a congenital hand difference. All of these efforts are to create a true and positive narrative of disability, where we can all be proud of who we are, what our bodies look like, and how they move.
On this episode, we are joined by Sarah Tuberty, OTD, OTR/L, an occupational therapist who, through her own lived experience of being born with a limb difference, is helping to increase visibility and inclusion of the limb difference community. She shares with us how the language around limb differences has evolved and how we as therapists can create a supportive network for patients and families as they navigate the limb difference community.
Book for Therapists:
Counseling People on Disfigurement, Eileen Bradbury