
The current ASHT bylaws (updated June 2024) address the following areas of governance:

  • ARTICLE I – Name/Offices, Mission, Vision
  • ARTICLE II – Membership
  • ARTICLE III – Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • ARTICLE IV – Officer Qualifications/Duties
  • ARTICLE V – Organization
  • ARTICLE Vl – Nominations and Elections
  • ARTICLE Vll – Meetings of the Members
  • ARTICLE Vlll – Fiscal Year
  • ARTICLE lX – Parliamentary Authority
  • ARTICLE X – Amendments and Resolutions
  • ARTICLE Xl – Indemnification, Disclaimer and Insurance
  • ARTICLE Xll – Dissolution

2024 Proposed Bylaws Revision

Both bylaws revisions (plurality, tiebreaker) passed. Thank you to everyone who voted.