Meeting Hotel
Parkway Hotel
4550 Forest Park Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63108
Phone: 1-866-314-7700
Hotel Reservations
The Parkway Hotel has a limited number of rooms available for the weekend of the Hand Therapy Review Course at the discounted group rate of $146 (only king room is available); rate excludes taxes or gratuity.
If you wish to stay at this hotel, do not delay in making your reservation. The special discounted rate is only available until March 12, 2020 or until the room block fills up, whichever is sooner.
The Parkway Hotel is conveniently located a short walking distance from the course location at Washington University.
To make your reservation:
1. Click on Reservation Link
Please note the link does not work from a cell phone; you must be at a computer
If you do not wish to stay all 4 nights of the room block, you must click "Change" and enter your desired dates
2. Call the hotel directly at 314-256-7777 and reference Group #9656 or Hand Therapy Review Course to receive the discounted room block rate.