Come Write With Me

Posted by Linda Klein, OTR, CHT 09/29/2014

I have had the pleasure of being the ASHT Times editor for 2014. While you may think I stay up nights designing the newsletter, the majority of the work of putting together the ASHT Times is done by staff at our management company, Association Headquarters. They execute the layout, secure advertisements, obtain content for standing features, etc. My input has been to obtain clinical articles for the newsletter and write some of the features. This has allowed me to use my creativity to bring interesting, applicable and updated information to our membership. I reach out to potential writers, edit the submissions and email them to staff. I am also involved with writing some fun features, and in the final review of each edition.
As it is now time to hand over the reins to a new editor in 2015, I would encourage you to consider whether you would like to have an impact on hand therapy by guiding the information our members receive in the newsletter. If so, please email stating your interest in this position. Please also provide a current version of your CV or resume.
For anyone unsure about this opportunity, I am available for mentoring and consulting throughout the year. In fact, I am already planning the first edition of 2015, and am willing to co-edit the first or first two editions of the Times in 2015 as needed. It is truly an interesting position, an opportunity to expand awareness or knowledge of topics, volunteer with ASHT and get to know a bit more about how our organization functions.
Come write with me in 2015!
Linda Klein, OTR, CHT

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