Celebrating National PT Month: Falls Prevention

Posted by Cara Smith, PT, DPT, CHT 09/29/2024

Each October, we celebrate National Physical Therapy Month. This year’s theme is falls and fall-related injury prevention and awareness. As upper extremity specialists, we are all too familiar with injuries related to falls, but we can also play a vital role in fall prevention. 

The first step is identifying the risk for falls. Do you incorporate a fall risk assessment when evaluating your patients with upper extremity conditions? This could include taking the patient’s vital signs, such as blood pressure, pulse rate and respiration rate, as well as reviewing medications they are currently taking.  You can also identify any hazards in the home such as throw rugs, cluttered or slippery surfaces, or stairs. If your patient utilizes an assistive device for mobility, confirm they are using it effectively.  

We can also help in preventing falls through a variety of interventions. If you are working to improve the patient’s strength, considering incorporating exercises that address overall upper body stability or activities that mimic their daily activities to reinforce skills. You can also have a little fun by integrating activities that promote hand-eye coordination and balance. Education is a large part of our role as upper extremity therapists, so ensure you are discussing modifications to their home environment to decrease their risk of a fall and other actions they can take to prevent falls and fall-related injuries. 

As we celebrate National Physical Therapy Month, let’s embrace the opportunity to raise awareness of fall prevention and how we as upper extremity specialists can make a significant impact on the safety and independence of our patients.