Meeting Hotel
Hotel Irvine
17900 Jamboree Road
Irvine, CA 92614
Phone: 877-614-2137
Hotel Reservations
Hotel Irvine has a limited number of rooms available for the weekend of the Hand Therapy Review Course at a discounted group rate. Pricing information is shown below. If you wish to stay at this hotel, do not delay in making your reservation. Hotel Irvine is conveniently located a short distance from the course location at UC Irvine, using a taxi cab or car service.
Hotel Irvine is located 1.7 miles from John Wayne/Orange County Airport (SNA). There is a compliementary hotel shuttle to/from SNA from approximately 5:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. daily. Taxi service is also available.
The room block consists of a discounted rate of $159.00 (king or double; rate excludes taxes or gratuity).
The special course discounted rate is available until February 3, 2020 or until the room block fills up, whichever is sooner. (room block extended until Feb. 3)
To make your reservation:
1. Click the link below:
Make A Reservation
2. Call 877-614-2137 and reference the "American Society of Hand Therapists."