Carrie Shotwell is an occupational therapist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. She works in outpatient therapy as well as in several clinics including pediatric rheumatology, orthopedic and plastics, CP, and EB. Her primary caseload is pediatric hand therapy, including many people with hypermobility spectrum disorder. She is currently helping to update and revise the Cincinnati Children’s Clinical Practice Guideline for joint hypermobility.
On this episode, we discuss pediatric joint hypermobility with Carrie Shotwell, an occupational therapist who works at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Carrie has an extensive history working with children and teenagers who experience hypermobility in their joints, which can significantly impact their everyday lives. She shares tips and tricks for assessing and treating these children affected by this diagnosis, how to get both the kids and their parents to buy in and how we as therapists can support then on their lifetime journey of living with hypermobile joints.