Dr. Greenberg is a board certified orthopaedic clinical specialist and researcher at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where he has been specializing in the care of youth athletes since 2008. He received his bachelors degree in Biology from Pace University, his clinical doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) from Arcadia University and his PhD in physical therapy from Nova Southeastern University. Dr. Greenberg maintains an active research agenda focused on improving rehabilitation and injury prevention methods within youth athletes with a special interest in ACL reconstruction and overuse injuries.
In addition to his clinical role, Dr. Greenberg holds an adjunct faculty position at Arcadia University where he teaches within the entry-level DPT, transitional DPT and orthopaedic residency curriculum. Dr. Greenberg maintains an active role in several professional organizations, serving as the Education Chair of the Youth Athlete Special Interest Group of the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy and serves on the Board of Directors for the Pediatric Research in Sports Medicine (PRiSM) Society.
Dr. Greenberg has had the privilege of presenting at both state and national level conferences on the topics of pediatric and adolescent sports medicine rehabilitation. He is an accomplished researcher and writer authoring textbook chapters and several manuscripts published in highly respected journals.
On today’s episode of “Hands in Motion,” we are joined by Elliot Greenberg, a physical therapist who treats adolescent athletes. One specific population he treats are kids who suffer from medial epicondyle apophysitis, commonly known as “Little League Elbow.” We discuss risk factors for developing this condition, treatment techniques that upper extremity therapists can utilize and the importance of patient and family education.