Danielle Sparks, DHS, MOT, OTR, CHT is the Director of Therapy at the Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center in Indianapolis, IN. She has been an occupational therapist since 2009 and a Certified Hand Therapist since 2015. Danielle received her post-professional doctorate in 2018 at the University of Indianapolis. She is the current Practice Division Director for ASHT and has been a member of the Practice Division since 2017. Danielle is passionate about patient care and advocating for our profession.
On this episode, we are joined by Danielle Sparks, an occupational therapist and Certified Hand Therapist who currently serves as the Director of ASHT’s Practice Division. Danielle gives us the inside scoop on the Practice Division and how ASHT, along with our legislative consultants, advocates for our profession and how you can get involved as well.