Your President, Dorit Aaron, asked me to chair a task force to create ASHT’s Code of Ethics (COE). The board approved an outstanding team to assist in creating this document - Cindy Johnson, PT, DPT,CHT, Rhonda Powell, OTD, OTR, CHT, and Terri Casagranda, PT, DPT,CHT. Since all of us are occupational therapists and physical therapists the task force utilized the existing AOTA and APTA Code of Ethics on which to base our Code of Ethics. Once the task force completed a rough draft of the COE it was then vetted through two outside consultants, Jaclyn Low, OT, PhD and Bette Walters, Esq.. The document was then given to the ASHT board for input. As your Immediate Past President, I ask each of you to take the time to review this document and offer any relevant input. The task force in finalizing the COE will then consider this input. Thank you for your support and time in assisting us in creating this very important document.