2020 Atlanta Hand Therapy Review Course - Location Information

2020 Atlanta Hand Therapy Review Course
Friday, August 21, 2020 - Sunday, August 23, 2020

Location Information
Emory Orthopaedics and Spine
21 Ortho Lane
Atlanta, GA 30324

Driving Directions
To access driving directions, click here
To access a campus map, click here.

Food and Beverage
All three course days will include continental breakfast, AM snack break, and PM snack break. Lunch will be on your own. Further information on lunch options will be provided during the course introductions.

Dress is casual. For your comfort and convenience, please plan to bring a reusable water bottle and an additional layer of clothing (sweater or sweatshirt).
For the Cadaver Lab session: Please wear closed-toe shoes to protect your feet.

Hotel Information 
Visit the Accommodations page for information on securing a discounted room within the ASHT room block.