We are excited to announce the opening of the call for sessions for the ASHT 2023 Annual Meeting, September 28 - October 1, 2023. San Antonio promises to be a wonderful location for us to convene together to network and learn. Our 2023 conference theme “Resilience: Stronger Together” is a celebration of all that we have been through since the 2020 pandemic and the growth and resilience of our community to continue to grow and thrive in the changing environment.
The diverse culture that is seen in San Antonio encompasses all that ASHT wants to do and be. We are eager to plan a conference that has many educational opportunities, areas for all of us to learn and grow, scientific papers that show advancements in the upper extremity work, and how we grow in knowledge as well as networking with friends, old and new.
We are looking for sessions that offer hands-on learning, scientific growth, new advancements in the treatment of upper extremity injuries, hands-on orthotics classes, and/or discussion of problems that involve all that participate in upper extremity rehabilitation and surgery. You can submit for a Pre-conference institute or an instructional educational concurrent session with a duration of 30 minutes or up to 1 - 2 hours.
Let’s show our resiliency by participating in the call for sessions for the ASHT 2023 Annual Meeting. We look forward to seeing and hosting you in San Antonio in 2023.