Call for Award Nominations

Posted by Staff 05/20/2024

Have you ever wanted to publicly acknowledge a colleague, mentor or fellow hand and upper extremity professional? Now is your opportunity to recognize and show appreciation to those leaders in the hand profession who have molded the field through their practice, research, advocacy, mentorship, teaching, and entrepreneurship! Please consider nominating a worthwhile individual with one of the following ASHT awards!

  • The Nathalie Barr Lectureship Award is among ASHT’s highest honors, recognizing and honoring a member of ASHT who has made significant original contributions to hand rehabilitation. The nominee must have shared their knowledge and skill through publications and speaking presentations.
  • The Paul Brand Award recognizes individuals who have exemplified humanitarianism in their work as a hand therapist in addition to providing clinical and professional excellence in several facets of practice.
  • The MacDermid Lifetime Scientific Award in Hand Therapy recognizes an ASHT member who has made effective contributions through research to the science and practice of hand rehabilitation
  • Lifetime Fellowship status is an honor awarded to individuals in recognition of career-long contributions to the society and the field of hand rehabilitation.
  • The Hall of Fame Award was established to recognize hand therapists who have reached the pinnacle of excellence in all areas of hand and upper extremity therapy. The areas identified for excellence include clinical practice, research, advocacy, education, international involvement, and innovation. The nomination is open to former hand and upper extremity therapists currently retired from the profession. Nominees must be former (or current Retired) ASHT members with previous volunteer and leadership experience within the organization.
  • Honorary Membership status recognizes individuals for their long-term professional interest and interaction with the ASHT.
  • The Emerging Hand Therapist Award addresses the issues and achievements faced by Certified Hand Therapists within the first five years of initial HTCC certification as they begin in their specialty careers. Nominations are open to active ASHT members for at least three years.
  • The Best Grassroots Effort Award recognizes an ASHT member or group’s (e.g. state association, hospital system, academic institution, etc.) passionate and consistent involvement in governmental affairs at the national, state, and/or local level during that calendar year. Nominations are open to Active ASHT members or an affiliated group (that includes at least one Active ASHT member for at least two years).

The call for award nominations is open now through June 12, 2024, so please consider submitting a nomination to recognize a deserving trailblazer. The award recipients will be announced and recognized at the ASHT Annual Meeting in St. Lous, MO on September 26-29. For full details on these awards and the nomination process, please visit the ASHT Awards page. On behalf of the ASHT Awards Committee, thank you in advance for your nomination and commitment to acknowledging your colleagues for advancing the hand and upper extremity profession.